Research – shoot your story by using iphone

1. Point of view:

This is a short Chinese New Year story shot on iPhone X by director Peter Chan called ‘Three Minutes’. If your family reunion only lasts three minutes, what will you do?

It also showed the iPhoneX’s amazing shoot performance. Through this film, I can see its infinite possibilities.


2. Dramatic Question:

What can we create just use our phone?

If there are only three minutes before parting, what could you do?


3. Emotional Content:

The Chinese New Year is coming, we should give some consideration to those people who are still keep to their posts.


4. Voice (voiceover not dialogue):

The mother told us her background story before the main story. And the director use voiceover showed us her story which is writting on her diary.


5. Soundtrack:

At the begining of the main film, the director using some extra sound effects showd us the enthusiasm of passengers returning home and the busyness of the crew.  These extra sounds made the short one minute’s begining more vivid.

When the train door was opening, the ticking of the clock are followed us all the time which is remind us time is passing.  As time goes by, the sound became more rapid. And when time comes to the end, all the noise came to peace. It told us : time has its length, but love is endless.


6. Pacing:

Using a countdown meter and placed at the top of the whole picture. Although it was only three minutes, but it grasped the attention of the audience well.


7. Imagery (economy):

In this film, we can see some elements of chinese spring festival. It let those overseas Chinese which like us in different country felt the thick festival atmosphere, and made us pick up our smart phone  subconsciously to record something belong to our own “New Year”.


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